Websized Miscreations Wilding Theatre.jpg

Miscreations Theatre

Miscreations Theatre commission Wilding Theatre poster linocut print Cat Moore rewilding climate crisis nature tree roots fungi mychorrizal curlew butterfly giant sleeping roots



A poster I designed and carved for a local theatre company on the theme of the importance of rewilding in the fight to preserve our planet. MISCREATIONS will bring their innovative and accessible show to primary school aged children around the region, telling them through humour, song and appealing characters all about the wild world around them, and why looking after it matters.

This project holds a special place in my heart, not only because of the vital message the production brings, but also because it was the result of a positive change brought about by the coronavirus lockdown of 2020, and a chance for a talented actor/director to show the world her mettle.

The block is one of the largest ones I have ever carved, at 36x40cm, and hand pulling each copy has been a workout. I added the text digitally in the end, stamping individual letterpress blocks and scanning the results, but you can scroll down to see the placeholder text I carved whilst making the design.

Miscreations Theatre commission Wilding Theatre poster linocut print Cat Moore rewilding climate crisis nature tree roots fungi mychorrizal curlew butterfly giant sleeping roots

The process behind the poster

(hover over each image to learn more)

The process

It all began with a chat about what the print was going to be used for, and how my client saw the project. My client was brilliant, and furnished me with all sorts of words to prompt ideas to get the design process going, as well as a concise brief for the production. I knew the print was going to be used as a poster, so it had to be clear, and to give a hint of the content of the production:

Themes and key words/phrases

“Ecological awareness is an explosion of context” - Timothy Morton

Alice in Wonderland - rabbit holes - worm holes - mychorrizal networks - interconnection - weaving - fabric - the wood wide web - communication - storytelling

Bite/Edge/Looming darkness/Quirky/Anxiety

Communication = hearing, listening, speaking, transmitting and sharing information, consciously and unconsciously



Scarecrow/Wildman/Green man/Lorax/Guardian/Protector of Giants


Nature (worms, fungi, curlews, ravens, meadow cranesbill, etc)